Sunday 1 January 2017

New Year's Fireworks from Taipei 101

Happy New Year!

Last night we watched the firework from Taipei 101! We arrived in the park we had scouted out earlier in the day at 10pm and it was already very busy but we managed to get some sitting space on the floor. There were thousands of people there. Luckily the weather was very mild.

At the stoke of midnight there was the countdown and the fireworks went off. It was the best 5 minutes of fireworks I've seen!!!

So, that was it! I'm glad I've done it but its not something I'd go out my way to see again. After this we started the journey home, along with thousands of other people!!! I was expecting it to be really awful but it was actually quite a nice experience. They had closed the 6 lane road to traffic so we were walking through the streets with lots of other happy people. The metro was still open but very busy so we walked for a few miles in the nice cool weather and got on at a later stop. Including the nice walk it only too an hour to get home.


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