Friday 23 December 2016

The Shopping Centre at Christmas

A year or so back they opened a big shopping centre at the end of the road and as the Vietnamese people are being brainwashed into liking Christmas so companies can convince them to buy lots of stuff they don't need, this shopping centre is helping them along by decking itself out with lots of nice Christmas decorations. 

As you can see, its always busy but it is also very festive. In addition they have an enormous Christmas tree which kids can pay to go inside.

So, Christmas is nearly here. Im going out for a nice dinner with friends on Christmas eve, then keeping my options open. There is an open house party with a friend from work and lots of other will be in the Tavern so will see how it goes. We will see what happens on Christmas day. No doubt I'll go out but with work the next day I'll be keeping the drinking to a minimum. So, last thing to say is Happy Christmas!!!!

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