Monday 19 December 2016

Christmas Party Season in Ho Chi Minh City

Its the Christmas party season at the moment, last weekend we had our works party and my end of seasons darts party.

On the Friday we had our works party which we had on campus. This is better than it sounds, we have this great outdoor area, got some caterers in and gave us loads of free booze. There was also some other activities and music which was great. It was a great night and a good time was had by all. After the party we headed back to the Tavern (the local pub) and the party continued. Pubs stay open here until everyone leaves and by all accounts people were there until 4am then carried on drinking at the circle K. I went home at midnight.

On the Saturday was our end of season darts party at a new Belgium beer place. This dart season didn't go to well so the less said the better. However, the party was good fun. It was a free bar and free food.

Sadly, we don't get any additional time off over Christmas so its back to work on boxing day. The good news is we have a four day weekend over new year and the better news is I'll be off to Taiwan for a week!!!

I also went to see the new starwars film which was pretty cool and becoming a Christmas tradition. They have some cool promotional stuff here which is where this picture was taken.

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