Wednesday 17 February 2016

Paying bills in Vietnam

Paying bills in Vietnam is not the same or as easy as in England. Its really difficult to set up standing orders and direct debits (it is changing) and most are paid monthly in cash. I get four bills a month: electricity, water, management fee and Internet. I need to go to different buildings to pay for them all. Fortunately, all the buildings are in close proximity and I can rock up on my motorbike, park it outside the building and pay the bill. I've got this down to a pretty slick routine. I wait until I get all the bills and pay them in one hit. In total it takes about 20 minutes.

An extra challenge was added the other day as the photo below shows. This used to be where I paid my water bill. One month the building was there, the next month, poof! - gone! Just a Vietnamese flag remaining. 

No one told me this was happening and now I have to go and speak to my friendly estate agent and find out where they have moved.

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