Tuesday 22 December 2015

End of year work Christmas Party 2015

We had our end of year Christmas party last Friday. It was a very enjoyable occasion and a nice way to end what has been a very enjoyable year. Our party was held on campus as we have a nice outdoors area (its always warm). Food was finger food and provided by a very good local restaurant and the music was courtesy of YouTube plugged into some speakers. It started at 5pm and I got home at 3am. The next day was a right off.

This may well be my last post of 2015. Next year my blog runs into its 6th calendar year which I'm amazed at. Firstly, because I've been away for 5 years and secondly because I've kept it up. Its been a great 2015. I finished my delta and got a promotion at work. I'm looking forward to some new challenges in 2016!

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