Friday 25 September 2015

Half way through the Delta module 2!!

Today marks the halfway point of the Delta course at ILA. I've now completed four of the eight weeks at the ILA building where I originally did my Celta four years earlier.

Although many parts of this have been interesting, I can't say its been much fun. I've completed two of the five essays. Both of these were 7,500 words each. I've basically been working pretty much every hour of every day to keep up with it. On top of this we do have to teach a couple of times a week and attend input sessions.

Anyway, the good news is I'm surviving and when I've finished it will open lots of doors for me with good role around most places in the world. I just need to keep taking every day as it comes and hope the next four weeks goes smoothly.

One good thing about my school is that they have a pretty good view from the 10th floor outside section. I took these pictures of Ho Chi Minh City the other day.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Rainy Season

So, its rainy season again. So far we haven't had much rain until the last few weeks that is. It got so bad a week ago that roads were turned into rivers. There were pictures in the papers of motorbike floating down the roads.

Anyway, I captured this footage of the rain outside my school where I'm studying. It happened at break-time and as I only have 15 minutes it prevented me from going to the circle K for refreshments. Delta is going okay, very very busy!

Monday 7 September 2015

Interesting restaurant decoration

Have you ever had that feeling that Jesus is watching over you? I know lots of people claim this, however I can't say I'm one of them....... That was until I went out to a new restaurant today. 

I was sat down eating my food when I looked up at the TV to notice a wooden Jesus statue perched above it. He was pretty big too with candles and flowers either side. This is a common thing in Buddhism here to have a little table for placing offerings to Buddha however it appears that this practice is evolving and moving over to Vietnam Christianity. I'm not really sure what offerings you could make to Jesus since he wasn't really a materials guy and with the ability of turning water into wine, which I'm sure is a skill that is transferable to other food and refreshments, I doubt these not much he can't get his hands on.

Anyway, It was interesting. Delta is going okay, its very stressful and I'm busy all the time.