Tuesday 29 April 2014

The weather this April

Just a quick post to complain about how hot its been this year.This is my third April in Vietnam and by far the hottest. There are basically two season here, hot and wet or hot. But in many ways this is not true. In December / January the temperature in Ho Chi Minh City drops noticeably (23 Celsius is the low) then between January and May it keeps getting hotter and hotter until rainy season starts where it's still very hot but you get rain which cools it down. This lasts between late May and November. 

So at the moment we are in the hottest part of the year. The temperature has been in the late 30s every day and about 30 at night - there has been no rain - it's days like these I wish for those cold, drizzly, dull English weather days. Above is a screen print of the temperature tomorrow. The 'real feel' of the weather with the humidity is about 45 Celsius. It's so unpleasantly hot you just really don't want to go out in it unless you really have to. 

It's even been in the news about how hot its been, I'm just lucky I have a/c in my flat. I don't think I could stay here if I didn't.

Anyway the past week we did have rain once and it rained yesterday so after months with no rain I'm really hoping rainy season is here!

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