Friday 9 August 2013

Marble Mountain and Monkey Mountain

This is our last day in Danang and again we've hired a motorbike to get to a couple of places around Danang. The first place was called Marble mountains. They were five mountains made of marble. Saying that, although they were big, they looked a bit small to be mountains. I guess Marble hills doesn't have the same ring to it.

Marble Mountains
They we're pretty good. There were numerous caves and pagodas on the hills. I think my lasting memory will be how steep and tiring the steps and how smelly the caves were. Also there was lots of marble sculptures were on sale at the bottom of the hills so if you want a 6ft statue of Jesus or Buddha, this is the place to come. The funny thing is the marble used isn't from these hills its actually imported from China.

Token Pagoda
After this we drove to a place called monkey mountain. This was in fact a mountain unlike the Marble hills. It was a nice drive which provided some good views of Danang. There was also a token giant lady buddha looking over Danang. We saw her from 40k away in Hoi An a few days before this. She was pretty big up close. 

Token giant buddha
Also some good news. We did see about 20 wild monkeys whilst on a deserted mountain road. We didn't stop as they're vicious little things. Its good to see some monkeys on monkey mountain after my disappointment in the Mekong Delta of not seeing any Phoenixes or dragons on Phoenix and Dragon Island. Below are some more good views from on the monkey mountain.

Nice view of Danang
So that's it for my holiday, its back to Ho Chi Minh tomorrow. I really like Danang. Its a nice city with a great beach. I can see it being a big tourist place in 5 years. It's nice to know I could come and work here too!

Lovely view.... nice.

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