Friday 31 May 2013

21 months teaching - not much else happening

not much to report I'm afraid. I'm working hard and I've got a quite nice settled schedule. I'm still working 22 hours a week at ILA and 4 hours at a kindergarten. I'm teaching a new IELTS class which is not really teaching English but more getting the students ready to take an IELTS test which will allow them to study at universities overseas. It's challenging, like anything new, but great experience and very good for the CV.

Bar 5 on pasteur street. The most fun you can have for $6

In 3 months time I'll have 2 years teaching experience which with the variety of different things I've been teaching (children, adults, IELTS, level testing and lecturing) It will open doors to other places. However saying that I still enjoy what I'm doing so i'm no rush for a change.

I need to get out more and take some fresh pictures. The one here today is of one of the boozy darts sessions in the 'all you can drink for $6 between 3pm and 7pm bar'. It did used to be $5 all you can drink but inflation has spoken and forced the price up.

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