Friday 31 May 2013

21 months teaching - not much else happening

not much to report I'm afraid. I'm working hard and I've got a quite nice settled schedule. I'm still working 22 hours a week at ILA and 4 hours at a kindergarten. I'm teaching a new IELTS class which is not really teaching English but more getting the students ready to take an IELTS test which will allow them to study at universities overseas. It's challenging, like anything new, but great experience and very good for the CV.

Bar 5 on pasteur street. The most fun you can have for $6

In 3 months time I'll have 2 years teaching experience which with the variety of different things I've been teaching (children, adults, IELTS, level testing and lecturing) It will open doors to other places. However saying that I still enjoy what I'm doing so i'm no rush for a change.

I need to get out more and take some fresh pictures. The one here today is of one of the boozy darts sessions in the 'all you can drink for $6 between 3pm and 7pm bar'. It did used to be $5 all you can drink but inflation has spoken and forced the price up.

Friday 17 May 2013

Two years since I left England

Today is two years since I left England. The first year went quickly but this one has gone even quicker. It was two years ago, 17th May 2011, I got on a plane to fly to Bangkok. I'm still enjoying my work and living in another country so think I will be away for more years to come.

Work is going well. I'm getting even more experience teaching something called IELTS (the international standard of grading student) asnd level testing new students on their speaking ability to put them in the correct class before starting at ILA.

Out with friends on Sunday night.

Socially things are good. I've still got some good friends although some more., who started the same time as me, are leaving this week which is sad.

Some good news is that Arsenal are coming to Vietnam in July to play the Vietnamese national team in Hanoi. A group of us Arsenal fans are looking to get tickets to go an see them. This will give me a chance to visit some other places such as Sapa and Ninh Binh around Hanoi. Arsenal will be the first premier league team to visit Vietnam!!!

So things are moving along nicely. Rainy season has started which is pretty cool to see. We've had some excellent thunderstorms.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

ILA Summer School

So, its been a few weeks since I finished the Cabridge YL-extension and I'm back to work. As I said the course was very good and I'm able to put into practise what I learnt.  In a few weeks time my school will be starting its 'Summer School' which means extra classes for me over the next few months.

The 'Tiger' Team

To launch this event ILA held a staff 'launch day' at a sports centre close to the school, there must have been about 500 people in attendance. This is a very Vietnamese thing apparently, the start of the event involved chanting my schools name several times and watching some choreographed dancing with ILA flags, it was funny and reminded me a bit of the events we used to do at the Bank before the credit crunch minus the excessively expensive champagne, food and celebrities RBS used to bring along.

The winning team

There were a number raffles and competitions. The main competition was a team event. In the weeks running up to the event all our centres had to enter teams of 5 into this competition. There were a total of 23 teams (115 people) that took part in three events, the first was answering questions, the second was making a square with rope blindfolded and the third was putting up a tent blindfolded.

On stage (and TV) collecting our winnings

The great news is our team won the whole competition. We only missed out on the maximum of 240 points by 6! We won the tent putting up race (I guess scouts came in handy!) and answered all the questions correctly. We won a big hamper and brought glory to my centre.

With our prize

It was very hot day and the sports hall had no air conditioning as you can imagine it was a very sweaty day.

One other piece of news is that since I've started this blog I've had a number of emails from people asking me about teaching English and living in Vietnam. I received one a year or so ago from a woman who I gave some advice. Today I met her! She is living in HCMC and working at ILA. It turns out I've been going to Vietnamese lessons with her for the past month or so. I'm not sure if the chat with me influenced her decision in an way but its quite a nice thing to happen.

There are some more photos below of our team at the ILA Summer School launch day.

Team 4 looking happy after winning the tent race

Messin' around and putting the tent down