Saturday 27 April 2013

Finished Cabridge YL extension for young learners at ILA, Vietnam

Yesterday was the last day of my Cambridge YL extension course at ILA. It's been a very stressful busy week but very rewarding  and I've learnt loads. In the 10 days of the course I've completed 6 observed teaching practises, attended 20 hours of workshops and watched about20 hours of other people teaching.

The days have been long, I've been starting at 6am and getting home at 9pm. Most of my lessons were pretty good. Below is a picture of a comic I made for one of my classes. The aim was for them to write their own comic.... they loved it!

We all went out to celebrate last night, it wasn't a late one as most people were knackered. I'm back to work tomorrow. I'm looking forward to using what I have learnt on this two week course. I'd recommend it to anyone whose teaching young learners in a second language.

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