Saturday 20 April 2013

Cambridge YL extension at ILA, Vietnam - End of week 1

So I'm halfway through the first week of the Cambridge YL extension course at my school, ILA. I thought I was doing a CELTYL but it turns out they don't do that anymore but this course, the Cambridge Young learner extension, is its replacement and an extension course to the CELTA that I did nearly two years ago.

It's been a tough week. There has been so much work to do, with assignments, input sessions and three lessons in the evenings whilst being observed. It's not hard, just really intense an stressful, just like the CELTA. Some people were close to cracking yesterday, which is amusing to me in a funny way.

Although it's been a tough week I've already learnt so much. I've got some great ideas and great feedback which I can take forward. Check out this art project I did in one of my classes below. We were teaching them about the weather and this helped reinforce the learning giving them some much needed speaking practise. Just to think two years ago I was doing boring Banking and now I'm making this cool stuff.

Possibly my greatest art achievement....ever

So, this weekend I have 3 assignments to finish, a lesson to plan and I have to go and watch two hours of other teachers. I can't wait until next Friday!!!!

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