Tuesday 1 May 2012

Phu Quoc Island........ and the cat

Ive just got back from a trip to Phu Quoc Island which is off the south west coast of Vietnam. We took a coach to the port of Rach Gia and then took a hydrofoil the 2.5 hour journey to Phu Quoc. Its a lovely Island surrounded by beaches. It's great as it's quiet with not many tourists too.

We booked into a nice resort on the Island at a place on 'long beach'. The resort was amazing with a bungalow right next to the sand.

View from the room

Its a great place to relax but also there are a number of things to see. There're a number of Islands in the south so we took a day trip to explore them and do some snorkeling and fishing before being taken to some of the other beaches on the Islands. The rest of the time we spent relaxing. There was a great night market which offered lots of local BBQ'd food, mainly fish which was all very very tasty. Sadly we could only stay for four days as I had to get back to HCMC for work.

Sunset on the beach

As you can see there was the opportunity to get some amazing sunsets in the evenings. We were lucky with the weather as it wasn't too hot but still good enough to enjoy the beach. They also did BBQ's on the beach which was a great way to watch the sun set.

The Island itself is 80% jungle which is really cool as it makes it like the place on 'lost'. I've added some video footage below.

The above video I took on the back of the bike on the way to our resort. It shows the Jungle area and the roads which weren't the best I've ever seem.

The next video is of the beach in Phu Quoc, our room was literally 30 seconds from where I took this.

Finally, this video is of food being BBQ'd at the night market. It was cheap and really really tasty. I could have happily ate there every night.



Takes my mind away from the cat

Finally just to update on you on the cat situation - its not good news. It broke into our house agian the other night and did a real number on our sofa. It did a runny dump on the floor but not content with doing that it then put a cushion on top of it. It also scratched our sofa and just to put the icing on the cake it pee'd on two cushions. Sadly my decision to get up early to watch the baseball meant I discovered and therefore had to clean it up.

Pho Quoc Island from the Hydrofoil

Cleaning up mess that isn't yours isn't nice at the best of times. Cleaning up an animals mess which isn't yours and which you don't like for this very reason just fills me with rage. Due to this task taking so long I also missed the baseball which is what I got up early for in the first place.We have spoken to our landlord who is going to speak to the nightbour to see what can be done. Other options have been discussed. The most humain is glueing its bum shut.

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