Tuesday 17 January 2012

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Serendipity Beach
I arrived in Sihanoukville in Cambodia a couple of days ago after a 12 hour journey from Ho Chi Minh City via Phnom Penh. Despite the very long journey it went pretty quickly and the bus didn't break down. Its amazing that this 12 hour bus journey cost me $16 (about 10 pounds!)

Sihanoukville is a place by the sea which has some pretty good beaches. I'm staying in a place called Serendipidy beach which is next to Ocheteaul beach. Its a pretty nice place as its not as developed as most coastal places but still has enough things to keep you busy.

Serendipity Beach
It's the kind of place that I would imagine will be completely different in 5 years time. You can already see places that are being roped off for development. I hired a bike yesterday and cycled around all the beaches. There are some pretty nice ones with virtually no people on them. I'm planning to be back in Ho Chi Minh City on 27th January so until that time I will be mainly relaxing. I'm thinking of going to a couple of other places close by but will see how I feel.

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