Saturday 30 November 2019

Ho Chi Minhs Dad's shrine, Cao Lanh

It turns out that in Ho Chi Minh's Dad is buried in Cao Lanh.

This morning I walked to have a look and see what I could find. It was set in this very nice park with a few ponds and trees.

I'm not sure what was happening but there was some sort of event going on. There were lots of people dressed up in traditional costumes as well as people pretending to be dragons.

As I was the only westerner probably within a 10 mile radius, this meant I got lots of people wanting photos with me like a z list celebrity. I didn't stay too long and sadly access to the grave was limited. I was told to come back later but managed to take the below photo from a distance. 

 A missed opportunity! However, if I get selected to come back here I may well give it another try. It was a nice walk from the hotel.

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