Saturday 3 August 2019

Nha Trang, Vietnam, 2019

I've just had a nice weeks holiday in Nha Trang. I place I've been to many times before. This time we took a very posh overnight bus which had our own sleeping compartments.

Nha Trang was as nice as always with a very nice beach where we spent most of the daytime. You can rent a sunbed for about 3 pound per day.

In the evening we went for some food and walked along the beach. 

We also walked through the town and went to the night market, which wasn't fun as it was crazy busy!

The night market - it wasn't fun

It was a lovely week. Nice and relaxing which was just what I needed as I needed to work on my masters which is coming to the end. 

Back to work next week, just got to focus on finishing my masters!!!!

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