Sunday 16 June 2019

Trip home from Vung Tau on the Hydrofoil to Saigon

 As stated in the last post. Today we took the hydrofoil back from Vung Tau to Saigon. This was interesting as it goes through the river network in between all the mangrove forests.

We had seats but i spent most of the time outside looking at the view. 

There was also some construction of some pretty big bridges across the river.

and that's it! It was a nice change from using the roads. I'm sure we will visit Vung Tau again for a break in the near future. Back to work tomorrow.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Weekend trip to Vung Tau, Vietnam

Been working hard and I've got a nice weekend off so felt we could go away on a short trip together to Vung Tau. As previously stated, its a few hours from Saigon and by the seaside. We took a nice luxury van with lovely reclining seats. It was nice until it broke down. It reminded me of the old says when I used to travel through Cambodia. We had to wait for another one to come and get us. I'm kind of used to these things happening now so just roll with it. It only delayed us by around 30 minutes. 

Our hotel room was nice and more like an apartment. half of it was a glass wall and we could even see the big Jesus statue in the distance. I've added an arrow to the picture for clarity.

Big Jesus
There is a really good pizza place here which I look forward to visiting when I come here. 

and below are some more random photos.

We have decided to not take the same bus back and are taking a Hydrofoil instead.