Monday 28 January 2019

The Resolution Run 2019

Building on the Angkor Watt Half Marathon last December and to keep up the running, this past weekend I took part in the Resolution Run in Ho Chi Minh City. This was a 10k run and took place a couple of miles form my house. I've not done as much running as I'd have wanted to since I did the half marathon in December, but this was a nice way to get back into it. 

I had to be there at about 6:00am and it was still getting light. We all got a nice yellow shirt but I didn't wear mine. There were a lot of people taking part. My guess was many of them have never ran before.

I was pretty pleased with my performance and as I finished quite far head of the majority of people I got to watch lots cross the line at the end.

 And at the end they gave me a nice heavy medal!!!


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