Wednesday 31 October 2018

Halloween at work

A few days ago we celebrated Halloween with out students. We got two hours off teaching to play games and do stuff with them. Students could dress up if they wanted. One of the games involved each of the classes dressing their students up as mummies with toilet role. Below are some pictures of the event.


Wednesday 17 October 2018

Landmark 81 - New skyscapers in Ho Chi Minh City

Over the past year or so there has been a big skyscraper being build. Its called Landmark 81 and is 461 meters high. This means its taller than the empire state building (443m) and the shard (306m). It has a viewing platform at the top and a shopping center at the bottom but I've not been yet. I took the photos below out the side of a bus recently. 

I'll go and visit soon. It will give me something to blog about.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Views from tall buildings in Ho Chi Minh City

Not much to report so though I'd share some photos taken from tall buildings in Ho Chi Minh City. Part of this extra job I have at the weekends examining involves going around the city to different big buildings and sitting in a room examining students. When I get the chance I like to look out the window and take photos. I often chuckle to myself and think 'how did I get here'.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Trip to Bien Hoa

Not much to report so though I'd blog about my recent trip to a place on the outskirts to Ho Chi Minh City called Bien Hoa. 

Why did I go there? Well, Ive got a part time weekend job as a speaking examiner and I volunteered to take the minibus and go and conduct some speaking exams. Its a pretty good gig as they pay some generous travel fees.

Bien Hoa was pretty much like every other small Vietnamese town. Not particularly interesting but I took some photos and am blogging about it regardless. 

I took these pictures from the minibus. I didn't get to walk around as I was smuggled off the bus into the exam room upon arrival. I don't think I really missed much. It was still an enjoyable trip and nice to see somewhere different.