Saturday 19 May 2018

Escape Room in Ho Chi Minh City

It was my mates birthday and he wanted to do this activity called 'escape room'. As the name suggests, you have to escape from a room. Its a bit like the crystal maze except there are no crystals, no Richard O'Brien and you get one hour to escape.

We chose the toughest one, it was a Sherlock Holmes room. The rooms were very funky! We had to escape a train. Below are pictures from in the room. It was basically number related clues that make you unlock a padlock to get the next clue to the next padlock. 

It was really tough and we didn't' solve any of the clues. They were pretty abstract and on top of that, one of the locks was broken so we'd never have been able to unlock it. The lady told us after that no one had ever got out that room, which is not really a surprise. 

It was good fun and only about a fiver per person. I may go back again and start with the 'Alice in Wonderland' room which is a bit easier.

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