Thursday 30 November 2017

Nice Views in Dalat

As I said in an earlier post. Dalat is very beautiful with lots of views. We've been visiting loads of places on a rented motorbike and taken some lovely photos. Below are a few.


Wednesday 29 November 2017

Dalat Market

Went to Dalat Market today. The climate in Dalat is really good for growing fruit and vegetables and they have a local market where they sell lots of locally grown food. It all looks really good and is really cheap.

Most of the food in Saigon which isnt imported has usually been grown in Dalat. There are so many industrial greenhouses all over the place. 


Tuesday 28 November 2017

Back to Dalat

Since I have a week off work, we've decided to go to both Dalat and Nha Trang for the week. I've been to Nha Trang lots but not to Dalat since 2012. 

Dalat is about 6 hours bus journey from HCMC and elevated 1,500 metres above sea level so it is noticeably cooler. Its also very scenic with lots of mountains.

Saturday 25 November 2017

Rainy season extended and more flooding

Normally by the end of November the rainy season has finished however, its still going strong and causing some good flooding. I took the following photos out my flat window during one storm.

As you can see the road is a swimming pool. There has been lots of storms on the east coast of Vietnam this year. The weather seems to be getting more extreme.

Thursday 23 November 2017

End of season darts tournament

I entered the division 2 end of season darts tournament this week. Last year I got to the semi final and I won the doubles earlier this year so confidence was a bit high. However, although I can play the group games I wont be able to make the finals next week as I'll be away in Dalat.

Fortunately, this didn't matter as I came third in my group so was eliminated. I used it as an opportunity to practice with my new darts which didn't help and I need a bit more practice with them. The good news is that my fellow Tavern team mate, who was in my group got through to the finals and won the competition.

So, this is the end of the darts season now until after TET (in February). Other news is that I will be the team captain for next season!!

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Finshed a semster at University.

I've just finished my first full semester back teaching at my University and its time to say 'goodbye' to my Intermediate students. They've both been great classes and I wish them well in the exams this week. 

It was also teachers day and one of my classes brought me a nice big bunch of flowers!!!

After exam week I have a week off. I'm going to Dalat and Nha Trang (again) .

Wednesday 15 November 2017

End of the SIDL Autumn Season 2017

The autumn darts season is over. After winning division three last season we knew it was going to be a tougher season. Its a tricky one because we want to do well but we don't want to get promoted to divsion one which isn't much fun. At the same time we don't want to get relegated. I'm pleased to say we managed to finished the season in the middle of the table.

At the half way stage we were actually second in the league. Overall I was pleased with my performance this season. I won more games than I lost and just about managed to squeeze onto the top of the table.

There is the knock out tournament in a few weeks. I've entered. Will see how it goes.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Pub Quizes at the Tavern

Most wednesdays I attend the pub quiz at my local, the Tavern. Its a fun evening and my team do reasonably well. This photo was taken on one of our victorious nights where we won that nice refreshing orange cocktail drink.

In the past year I've also hosted 10 pub quizzes. Its great fun and they always go down well. I did one a few weeks ago and will do another one just before Christmas.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Rocky Horror Show - Live

Happy Halloween!

Last night I went to a live event of the rocky horror show. It was a strange experience. Basically, people act out the movie on stage and you watch the movie. During the movie you have lots of props to get involved and have to shout stuff at the TV screen. It was a really fun evening.

I've never seen the Rocky Horror Show before, its a weird film. After the filming we had a bit of a party with the cast.