Tuesday 6 June 2017

Bagan, Myanmar

Today we arrived for a three days stay in Bagan, a place famous for having thousands of temples in a few square kilometers. To get here we had to catch an overnight bus which took about 12 hours from Yangon. This was the best bus I'd ever been on. Very new and luxurious. It also had a very similar entertainment system in the back of the seat to those found on Emirates airlines. It was a shame I was asleep for the whole journey and didn't use it.

We didn't get much luck with the weather as it rained most of the time we were here. There was one good flooding. We rented an 'e-bike' to get around. This is an electric bike. It was very cool.

The very cool 'e-bike'


More bad weather

stopping in the middle of one of may storms
 There were a few big temples to visit.

The best bit was getting to climb up one of them and a viewing tower to get views of the whole area.

We were at the top of one of the pagodas when a storm rolled in . The picture below doesn't really do it justice.

I was told the food wasn't very good here but I found the opposite. It could have been that I was mainly eating the salads which they are good at making.

Off to our final destination tomorrow. Inle Lake. This is another 10 hour overnight bus ride.

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