Friday 9 June 2017

Inle Lake, Myanmar

The last stop on our Myanmar trip was a visit to Inle lake. We rented a boat which took us all the way to the bottom of the lake which had lots of little villages on stilts.

Boy in a rubber ring on the river

We were taken to a number of shops such as the clothes making and seeing people get silver from stones.

Again, there was some lovely countryside views.

Buffalo in a the river
We also went to a locals market on the river.

I probably enjoyed this the most on the trip. It was really chilled and amazing to see people working and living on the river. Tonight we have an overnight bus to Yangon where we will catch our flight back to Saigon.


Thursday 8 June 2017

Cycling near Inle Lake, Myanmar

Today we rented bicycles and went for a ride close to the lake. The town we are staying is very close to the countryside and the weather was great. We had some nice views of green fields.

After a nice ride, we stopped at a place that was highly recommended call Bamboo hut. It was just off the main road and down a dirt track. It was lovely. It was so quiet and we were the only ones there.  We were surrounded by Dragon Fruit frees. The food was great too.

The final stop on the way back was at a winery which was a up a big hill. We got some nice views and some average wine at the top.

Tomorrow we will be doing our trip to Inle lake. The last place before we go home. 


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Nyaungshwe Towen near Inle Lake

We've arrived at the town which is a few kilometers from Inle lake and its a very nice town!! Its kind of nice blend of the new and the old and its got a nice countryside feel about it. Below are some photos of the views from our hotel.

Walking around the town was very nice too.  We rented bicycles to look around and we were really close to the countryside and the river leading to the lake.

Tomorrow we are going for a bike ride before doing a day trip on the lake.