Monday 17 October 2016

ELT Assessment Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam

This past week I was lucky enough for my work to send me and a few colleagues to an assessment conference in Hanoi. This may not sound very interesting to people but since my job is related to assessment it is very useful.

I flew up on the Wednesday and returned on the Friday, It was a two day conference held at the Sheraton in Hanoi and arranged by the British council. They were speakers from all over the world doing presentations on the latest trends and changes in the industry. 

I had a fantastic time and learnt lots. It was nice to get away from the office and spend a few days with colleagues. I didn't get to see much of Hanoi. We drove past Ho Chi Minh's tomb and went to the old down for dinner but that was about it. Below are some of the pictures I took, mainly form the office, the conference and the Sheraton hotel.

Ho Chi Minhs tomb lit up at night

Back to work on Monday for a few days then its off to Penang in Malaysia for a long weekend.

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