Saturday 27 August 2016

Teaching vs Non-Teaching staff football match - part 3

Yesterday was the third match between teaching and non teaching staff. I was again the manager and in charge of organising our team. The previous two games had been draws and gone to penalties with both teams winning one match each. Last time the game was a little heated and they had a load of students on their team. Which isn't really fair considering we are pretty much all in our 30s and some of us pushing 50 and beyond.

I made sure that didn't happen and they were banned from having students in their team. Also we had recruited a few new teachers who are pretty useful on the football field.

I organised a pretty attacking team and I'm happy to say we won 5-1! I was in goal (we had no other options) and didn't really have much to do as the score could have been much more. We were camped in their half for most of the match.

We will try to do this once a semester so we'll have another game towards the end of the year. After this whooping I think they will want to come back even stronger next time.

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