Tuesday 30 August 2016

Saying goodbye to Friends

Went out to a very nice restaurant in District 2 by the river this past weekend called the boathouse to a going away party for one of my close friends who is going back to Scotland for a year (then returning) to do his masters. 

Its always difficult saying goodbye to friends. It happens a lot in this job, the good news is that he will be coming back in a year. A lot of the people in this picture I've known for 4 years and we've been through this journey together. It as a nice evening and really good to catch up and say goodbye. 

Saturday 27 August 2016

Teaching vs Non-Teaching staff football match - part 3

Yesterday was the third match between teaching and non teaching staff. I was again the manager and in charge of organising our team. The previous two games had been draws and gone to penalties with both teams winning one match each. Last time the game was a little heated and they had a load of students on their team. Which isn't really fair considering we are pretty much all in our 30s and some of us pushing 50 and beyond.

I made sure that didn't happen and they were banned from having students in their team. Also we had recruited a few new teachers who are pretty useful on the football field.

I organised a pretty attacking team and I'm happy to say we won 5-1! I was in goal (we had no other options) and didn't really have much to do as the score could have been much more. We were camped in their half for most of the match.

We will try to do this once a semester so we'll have another game towards the end of the year. After this whooping I think they will want to come back even stronger next time.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Vegan Cheese making workshop

I went to a Vegan cheese making workshop at a shop called Hoa Tay (74/1A Nguyen Cu, Thao Dien, Q2). It was hosted by the shop owner who is a lady from Italy (I think) who is a Vegan. Although I'm not a vegan I have been a veggie for nearly a year and this is something that interests me, so a few of us from work went along.

We made two different types of cheese, one was a Parmesan cheese substitute and the other was a cashew nut cheese. Both were very tasty. 

She also sold her own vegan products in the shop. I bought some and they were all very nice.

Below is a link to her shop website. She also does a number of other workshops and has a facebook page

Monday 8 August 2016

Hillside Buddha, Danang

On the final day we went to see the hillside Buddha. Last time we came here but it was still under construction. Again, its a really nice drive with some lovely views. You can see this Buddha from the beach In Danang even though its a good few kilometers away.

I'm pleased to say that the whole pagoda complex has now been finished. It was quite nice to walk around but after five years in South East Asia, they are all very similar. 


Sunday 7 August 2016

Lang Co Lake, Vietnam

After going on the Hai Van Pass we continued down the other side from the summit to a place called Lang Co Lake. Last time we turned around before coming to this place and Im so glad that this time we decided to go all the way. It was bit of a journey but well worth it.

The lake was fantastic! It was very quiet and very local. We arrived at lunch time and there were a number of restaurants at the end of short  piers going out over the lake with fantastic views of the mountains and lakes. Because it was local, it was quiet and cheap. 

It was a really good lunch on a lovely day. So peaceful and quiet.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Return to the Hai Van Pass

Went for a return trip to the Hai Van Pass today. I've been here before but remember it being amazing the first time I came. The Hai Van Pass is a mountain road that connect Danang with the North of the country. You drive up winding roads into the mountains which offer great views of the city. At the summit is an old station that used to be used by the French (I think). 

It was still a great drive but now having done more driving in Vietnam, I'd say driving in the mountains in Sapa is probably a bit better. It was still awesome though.


Friday 5 August 2016

Four days in Danang, Vietnam

Just arrived in Danang for a four day holiday. We are staying in a hotel called the Diamond Sea hotel which is on the beach front. It's pretty nice and has a pool on the roof, some great views of the city and beach and a really good breakfast. This will be our base for the next few days as we relax and explore the city and surrounding area. Below are a load of photos I took from the roof. 

Free cooking class on the roof

Really nice veggie breakfast!!!