Tuesday 24 May 2016

Stag Party - Vung Tau

I went to Vung Tau this past weekend on a friends stag party. Vung Tau is about 2 hours from Ho Chi Minh City and a group of 16 of us went down on Saturday morning for the day and returned on Sunday. We were told to wear silly hats. I managed to get a kids pirates hat.

During the day a number of people played golf whilst some of us chilled out in the pool at our hotel. In the evening we went our for dinner then to the dog racing for a few hours. 

I didn't win anything but it was good fun. After this we went out into the city centre until the early hours. Which involved a large amount of drinking.

Friday 20 May 2016

Ngon Cheesecake

Not much to report at the moment so thought I'd write something about a nice place in Ho Chi Minh City. Quite regularly after work on a Friday we travel to district one to one of our favorite Czech beer places for dinner and beer. After this we usually stop at a cafe close by called Ngon Cheesecake who specialize in, as you may have guessed from the name - cheesecake!

They make it themselves and its pretty dam good. It's always well presented and they have about 12 different flavors to choose from.

It's on a small backstreet so isn't that easy to find but when you do the road is nice and quiet. Possibly one of my favorite deserts in Vietnam and from my memory the best cheesecake I've had.

It's closed on Sundays!

Thursday 12 May 2016

Studying again.... Masters in TESOL

I finished the DELTA last October and at the time I thought this would be my last time studying however I have just applied, and been accepted to Sheffield Hallem University to do a Masters of Education in TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages).

This is going to take me up to two years to complete. Fortunately my DELTA counts towards some credits which will shorten the course. I'm hoping that it will take me about 18 months to complete.

Should I complete all the paperwork and be accepted, I will begin studying in October this year.

Thursday 5 May 2016

5 years since my first post

Just a quick post to say that today is five years since my first blog post. FIVE YEARS! It's hard to believe that I started this journey five years ago. Below is a copy of that first post.

I really didn't know what to expect when I left the UK and reflecting back I really didn't have a clue what it would be like. The 10 weeks travelling before starting the CELTA were some of the best memories I have. As you can see the initial plan of staying in Vietnam for 12 months didn't really happen. I originally thought I'd be in Brazil for the 2014 football World Cup but five years later I'm still in HCMC. But that's a good thing as I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it. In the five years I've done and seen so much. I've got the CELT-YL and DELTA, I've been to Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, all over Vietnam and met great people. Also culturally, what was all really different to me when I got here is now all very normal.

Not sure what direction my blog will go in the future. My friend suggested I do this before I left the UK and I'm glad I did as I look back and I've pretty much written about everything I've done and its good to see how I've grown as time has progressed.