Wednesday 25 November 2015

Final Darts match of the season

Last night was the final darts match of the season. I've not been updating my matches on a week by week bases this season but all I can say is it's been tough in division 1. I've played a total of 7 games and only won one match.

Anyway, going into the final match we were battling to avoid relegation. We needed to win or draw to stay up and we were playing our relegation rivals.

After the first 5 matches they were winning 4-1 and it was not looking good. In the singles I'd been matched against the second best player in the division - so really he's the second best player in Vietnam. As expected, he beat me comfortably but I'm happy to say that the rest of the team won all their matches and we ended up drawing 6-6. This means that we get to stay in division 1!!! 

It was a very dramatic and enjoyable evening and a nice way to finish the season. We will be having an end of season party at some point but there will be no trophy this time. The season will begin again in February.

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