Friday 17 April 2015

Darts update

One final update on darts. Sadly, a few weeks ago I left the Tavern darts team. It was nothing dramatic and there was no fall out. Basically I was fed up with playing badly which resulted in me getting battered each week and as I'm busy with my DELTA I wasn't practising so, as we have lots of players in the team, I felt it would be OK for me to step out for a while. 

So my darts career is on hold for the time being which also means I won't be at the lakeside any time soon. I will pop down and watch my team in the coming weeks as they're a great bunch of guys. I'm also sort of pleased to say that since I've left the team it has resulted in an upturn in their fortunes as they've won all there matches and are now third in the league.... not sure if I should personally be happy that as soon as I leave the team they  start to win as it would suggest that my crapness was holding them back but I am very pleased and wish them well.

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