Friday 18 October 2019

Early morning walking in district 7, Ho Chi Minh City

I've been getting up nice and early in the morning and going walking around my area, which is relatively green in comparison with the rest of the city. Some of the areas are very peaceful and there are lots of older people enjoying the mornings by doing group exercise classes and meditation in the park near the river. I took this video this morning at about 06:30.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Last day working at RMIT Vietnam

This past Friday was my last day at RMIT after 6 years. I joined in 2013 after working at ILA for two years so the majority of my time in Vietnam has been spent working here. Fortunately, this last semester I've had two nice classes to finish my time at the University. Finishing my final contract coincided nicely with finishing my masters. 

Although the majority of the 6 years was enjoyable the company has changed a lot, particularly over the past 2 years, to the point that is wasn't the place I used to take pride in working for. It feels like the right time to leave and for the time being I will do more examining which I'm enjoying far more. I achieved a lot in six years. I was promoted after 2 years to a senior teacher, became the assessment coordinator, got a nice holiday to New Zealand and finished my DELTA and masters. 

I'm looking forward to the next step and taking some time to plan out what I want to do next.