Monday 30 September 2019

Examining in Vung Tau

This past weekend I was allocated a three day working examination visit to Vung Tau. I think this is the third (possibly fourth) time I've been here thus year. Below are some pictures of the room at the school where I spent a lot of the time as well as some pictures of the view from the room. 

Although a lot of time was spent examining I did get to relax and look around the town. I stayed in a different area to when I come as a tourist which was near the big Jesus statue. I went to visit him early on Sunday morning. I also got just after sunrise and had a walk about.

Although it was a working weekend it felt a bit like a holiday and was a nice break away from the city. 

Monday 2 September 2019

Boxing Gym - Cocky Buffalo

I've recently started going to group boxing classes at a boxing gym called 'the cocky buffalo' near my house in district 7. Its really good and a very intense workout. Its a lot of boxing mixed with cardio. Its nice to do something very different from going to the gym and running which I've done in the past. Classes are an hour long are are run at different times throughout the day. Below are some pictures of the centre. They also do Brazilian jujitsu classes but I've not done those yet.