Saturday 23 June 2018

Driving back from Pai to Chiang Mai

We're going back home tomorrow so decided to rent a motorbike and do the scenic journey ourselves.

As Pai is up in the mountains it is a winding road that takes you back to Chiang Mai. The secenery was pretty cool all the way down!!

The weather was very changable. One minute you were in the clouds with very little visibility and drizzly rain, then it would clear to give you great views. At the half way point we stopped at this coffee shop on the side of the road that was made up like a witches house.

Really enjoyed this trip, expecially the trip to Pai. Hopefully going on a few more trips this year.

Friday 22 June 2018

Memorial bridge and land split, Pai, Thailand.

We went to visit a number of attractionsw today, one is a memorial bridge which was build during WW2 and had a bit of a bloody history when the area was under Japanses control. 

There was also a place called 'land split' which was a the result of an earthquake a few years back. 

And finally we went to a waterfall which wasn't in the slightest bit beautiful but didn't stop people trying to swim in it.

We made it back to the town just before the heavens opened.

Thursday 21 June 2018

Pai Canyon, Thailand

Pai has its very own canyon! We rented a motorbike to see the area around Pai and went to visit it today. It was pretty good. Below are a number of pictures.


Wednesday 20 June 2018

Around Pai, Thailand

Arrive in Pai and its a really nice relaxed place with some lovely scenery. 

Our hotel is on this really nice river that runs through Pai.

There is also a really good night market every evening which sells loads of pretty good food from all over the world!

Food in Chiang Mai, Thailand

One thing we've really liked is the food in Chiang Mai. The quality and variety is pretty cool. Below are some pictures.

Pineapple fried rice.

Avocado on toast with kiwi juice.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Big temple on a hill, Chiang Mai

In South East Asia, they like building big temples on hills. So we went to visit one today. There were hundreds of steps to get to the top.

When we got to the top, there was a really good view of Chiang Mai. The temple was okay too.

Were going to Pai tomorrow! Were getting the bus to Pai but then going to rent a motorbike back to Chaing Mai when we leave.

Monday 18 June 2018

Snake farm and butterfly farm, Chiang Mai, Thailand

We visited a snake and butterfly farm today. The snake farm was interesting and featured in one of the Rambo films. 

They had lots of dangerous snakes in cages including a king cobra. They also do a show where a man teases different cobras to get them to strike at him. He also showed us the snake putting venom into a glass.

Im not sure how you get into this line of work, it seemed pretty dangerous. It was pretty scary watching him mess with the cobras knowing that there venom is fatal.

After this we went to a butterfly farm next door which was far more relaxing.