Friday 10 March 2017

Big King Kong at Vivo City

Its been a few weeks since my last post as I've not had anything to write about. That was until this morning.

Over the past week or so they have been building this enormous King Kong figure outside the shopping centre near my house. Its really big as the pictures will show. Its been built to advertise the launch of the new King Kong film this weekend.

I had planned to go along this weekend and picture it and blog about it but as it happens I didn't need to because it was all over the news this morning.

So, Thursday was launch night and they has some dancing and presenting on stage as the picture below shows.

As you can see there are men with fire sticks under Kong. When they were building this I noticed that the material look highly flammable... Highly flammable material and fire sticks... what could go wrong??

Yep, you guessed it, within a few minutes of the lady on stage talking the whole thing caught fire. The pictures below speak for themselves. 

Fortunately, no one died and it could have been worse since its only about 10 meters from the shopping centre.

I've been driving past it everyday and when I drove past this morning and noticed the charred remains, at the time I didn't know what happened but since then have seen the videos on youtube. Below are the picture my mate took this morning.

It is quite amazing living in a developing country, although they are trying to catch up with the west, they are behind in so many ways, at times like these, its hard not to laugh. Something like this would never have happened in the UK due to health and safety laws. But here, nothing like this really exists or if they do, they don't follow them. Fire-sticks under highly flammable structure!!?? At the same time its what makes living here an adventure.

Here is a link to the video of it burning down, not sure how long it will be up. It may get taken down and it will be claimed it never happened. The first 3 minutes are the best. Apparently, it all cost $50,000.

Anyway, I'll be watching the film this weekend. Apparently it sucks but at least I won't have to take my own photos.