Tuesday 27 September 2016

Stormageddon! 26th September 2016, Ho Chi Minh City

I posted recently about rainy season with some nice pictures. Last night we had possibly the biggest storm I've seen since being here. Clouds started coming across the city at about 4:30pm and turned the sky black then it proceeded to rain at full intensity for about 2.5 hours. It was so intense that everyone was stranded at school. Below are some pictures and a video of the event. 

When the rain did finally let up I left University but the motorbike park had flooded. I took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my trousers and drove home through the water.

The University bike park

The journey home was eventful, it was very busy and many of the roads had flooded. Some people had abandoned their cars and bikes because they'd became waterlogged. Some of the water covered the whole of the tyres on the motorbike.  

The rain had turned the roads into streams, below are some more pictures taken by me and some of my friends from around the city.

View from my apartment block

Road below my apartment

It turns out the city was chaos as reported in the local newspaper. The link below the pictures goes to the newspaper which has some amazing video footage of the flood water!

Link to the newspaper article in the Saigoneer

Below are some more pictures I took off Facebook from various friends making their way home.

I really like the last picture of the chap smiling. It says a lot about the people here when stuff like this happens, they just get on and deal with it with a smile on their face. 

The next morning all the flood water had gone, the roads were dry and it was hot and sunny. You'd never have known there was a storm like this the night before.

Saturday 24 September 2016

River farm Restaurant, District 2

I went to a nice restaurant in District 2 the other day. It was called River farm restaurant. As you can probably guess from the name it had a river and a small farm. District 2 is about 30 minutes drive from where I live and on the way, as often happens in rainy season, the weather changes quickly and we got drenched. Here are some photos of the place and a video of the rain.


Sunday 18 September 2016

Rainy season 2016

Its been rainy season since June and as usual we've had some great storms. Late August into September has been the best time. I try to take some video footage each year so below is this years small selection. Some are from outside my mates pub and the other is from University. As you can see, the storms do not stop people from using their motorbikes. I can vouch that driving in storms under a poncho is great fun!


Saturday 10 September 2016

Novotel Skybar, City Centre, Ho Chi Minh City

I went to a works function in the city centre the other day and when we were finished we went to the Nov-tel hotel's skybar. I've not been here before but it offered great views of the city. 

I don't usually go to sky-bars as they have a reputation for overpriced drinks but we went during happy hour and a bottle of beer was about $1.50. Very reasonable. We stayed for a few hours and it never got busy. Its a great spot and somewhere I will come back to if I can to if I'm in D1 in the evening.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Kendo at my university

As I've mentioned before, my University is really cool. They also do lots of extra sports clubs for the students. One of the cool ones that we don't really see in the UK is Ken-do. I took this video of the Ken-do group practising the other day. 

As you can see, Ken-do is fighting with sticks, I never really see them fighting, just beating tyres with sticks and occasionally hitting each other over the head with sticks. They do look pretty cool in their uniforms though.