Sunday 31 July 2016

Getting married!

So, this is big news really and probably should get a bigger posting. 

I've always tried to keep this blog about me and don't really speak about other people too much with the exception of sugarcane man, although I've not seen him for a long time. You may have noticed that some of the time when I go on trips I say 'we' and not 'I'. That is because I always go with my Vietnamese girlfriend, Tran. Well, the big news is that on 30th July - Me and Tran got married!!!

We didn't have a wedding but signed the documentation is District 4 of Ho Chi Minh City. Tran is a wonderful person and I'm very lucky to be sharing my life with her.

Friday 29 July 2016

Hosting a Pub Quiz!

This past Wednesday I hosted a pub quiz at the local pub - The Tavern. I regularly go to this pub quiz and they are always looking for new people to give it a go. Its usually a general knowledge quiz but as it was summer I was allowed to do a special 1980s movie quiz! Below is the poster I created to advertise the event which got plastered on the walls of the bar and on facebook.

The evening went very well and I have received very positive feedback. I was only challenged on one question but I was right, I know my 80s movies. Below are some pics from the evening. We had a total of 7 teams which is a pretty good turnout.

I may try and do a general knowledge one in the future. We will see how it goes.