Thursday 7 November 2013

View from my teaching room at RMIT

I've taken a couple of pictures form my teaching room at RMIT where I work. You can see it looks nice and green and looks towards the city. I'm told you can't go for a walk in the trees because it is a mangrove forest. (a bit swampy) and there are probably all sorts of nasty things waiting in there. Nether-the-less it looks nice an is worth a mention.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Moving house to district 7

Over the past week I have been looking for a new place to live nearer to my school. I'm pleased to say I found a really nice place and this weekend moved into a new apartment.

Living room
Its a lovely place and very modern. My place has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It is in district 7 which is about 3 miles outside the city centre. This district is not like typical Vietnam. It is where the expats live and has a lot of Koreans here. Its nice a quiet compered to the city centre and it will be nice to see if I prefer it here. Ive signed a one year lease.

Moving house was interesting. The estate agent arranged a removals man for me. He was late at getting to my house because the police had stopped him because the vehicle he uses for removals was basically a home made motorbike with a trucks trailer built on the back and deemed too dangerous for the roads in Vietnam (which is saying something). However he helped me move. We had to drive through all the back-roads to reduce the chance off getting caught by the police again.  He helped carry all the boxes to the new flat and all it cost me was $18!

Dining area
So I now have a new house, a new motorbike and a new job. I don' think I'll be getting anything else new for a while.
